It is with great grief that I have to inform U about the amount of LinkedIn messages, mails, texts and phone calls I receive, with offers not matching my field of expertise or experience - this has gotten very much out of hand.
So, here's a website. Before you text me, call me, send me anything, or come knocking on my door, please, at least skim the below.
If your job offer doesn't match up with this, then let's skip the interaction, cuz there's no point.
Both have the word "JAVA" in the name, same as the word "CAR" appears in the word "CARPET"... and that's about it. Knowing one doesn't mean that you know the other, both have different uses.
TL;DR: I'm a JavaScript Developer - I do websites and Web Apps.
Maybe, but chances are slim. He might change a tire, do a quick fix, but he probably won't swap the entire engine. Same goes for BackEnds; don't send BackEnd Dev job offers to FrontEnd Devs!
TL;DR: I'm a FrontEnd Developer - I might do something on the BackEnd, but I don't, nor want to do servers and databases day2day.
I have experience in Vue, Angular and jQuery, did some React but not much. Did ASP.NET too for, like, 2 years - not a fan, personally. I mainly focus on CSS and prefer working on the UI and UX, the logic is secondary. Do I want to do .NET? No and what do U mean by .NET? There's a lot of stuff under that umbrella... PowerBI, SAP, ServiceNOW? Nope, old story.
TL;DR: I won't cut it for Senior React Developer. Send me UI focused job offers and just those.
Willing to relocate? No.
U sure? Good money, free food, models in bikinis, relocation
package, stock options? Still no.
Hybrid work? No-ish.
Also, generally prefer CoEs over B2B contracts, FYA.
TL;DR: I like WFH. I can come to the office, but on my terms and no other.
Have basic info:
WHO is hiring - No gambling companies, businesses of
questionable ethics
, start-ups on life support etc.
What is the TECH STACK - "Angular!" is not an answer; listing
all the 36 languages that the company uses is another spectrum of
also not an answer.
WHAT I need to build - buzzwords, like
"AI driven platform, based on a Microservices approach, to
enhance our ML capabilities... bla bla"
are not an answer.
How much they PAY - competitive salary, negotiable... Oh,
Do I do Java development?
Do I do BackEnd development?
Do I want to come back to the office?
Will you just send me offers that match my experience?
you send me the full details of the offer?